Thursday, August 23, 2018

oddly enough, blue is my favorite color

the dam holding back the convictions is as cracked as the stonewall...justice is finding its voice...der furhair is in retreat...hunkering down among the yahoos...the forces of liberal enlightenment are on the upsurge...the "blue wave" is coming...hopes are high and so it is time for some the wake of richard nixon's resignation forty-four years ago convictions began to roll in as well...former attorney general of the united states john mitchell went to did the president's one-time counsel john dean ( sounding familiar? )...presidential aides h.r.haldeman and john erlichman went as well...chuck colson, jeb stuart magruder, james mccord, howard hunt, and g. gordon liddy from creep all went too, along with a number of orgy of political justice that produced what? a couple of years of jerry ford and nelson rockerfeller..the first unelected president and vice president...a pardon for the "unindicted co-conspirator" ( even with feelings as high as they were they could not bring themselves to charge nixon with a crime...bear that in mind ), inept assassination attempts, and jerry falling down a lot and providing a career start for the insufferable chevy did not stop there...1976 saw the election of jimmy carter...a solid dixiecrat from georgia who was a profoundly republican was his administration that deregulated trucking and the airlines, thus weakening unions and presaging the "reagan revolution"...all that balck irish fuck did was pick up the ball and run with it until he couldn't remember where he was nixon was hounded from office...the forces of goodness and light won...people went to jail...briefly...did any one of them serve a full sentence? and books were written by the reformed ( jeb stuart magruder has written two...john dean as well ) liddy went on to disrupt talk radio...mitchell retired to enjoy his wealth..and vengeful republicans impeached bill clinton...things changed...but not much...a pence presidency would not be a step would be change though...a different as people are not nearly cynical enough about the system to defend yourselves...addendum 24 august yet no one associated with der furhair has been convicted of direct collusion with russians in influencing the 2016 election...conclusive proof tying trump to any such effort woud lbe the only scenario i can conceive of that would lead to impeachment.