Thursday, December 7, 2017

divine right

“I, of all people, am aware that there is some irony in the fact that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office, and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the Senate with the full support of his party.”_____________al franken___________shades of tricky dick…it isn’t illegal if the president does it…nixon invoking the divine right of presidency…well…hypocrisy is a common weapon of power and we are up our necks in it vevery day…al franken may indeed have used a position of celebrity to unduly impose himself on women ( I don’t know…i wasn’t there…neither were you…or kristie gillibrand for that matter ) and there may indeed be some with cause to be angry over that…that isn’t the issue in the senate however…I believe franken when he says his intention was to represent all the people of his state...even though the system would never allow that…what franken’s problem was is that he brought a sense of critical thinking and heterodoxy to an august and thoroughly orthodox institution...the government set up by the constitution was never meant to represent all the people…it was the successful counter-revolution put up in the face of the assumption of the mass of people that the “spirit of 1776” was the valid grounding for the government "by and for the people” ( shay’s rebellion, among other events )…when he wrote “the fundamental constitutions of carolina” in 1669 john locke ( putative philosophical godfather of the framers ) wrote that his intent was to “avoid erecting a numerous democracy”…in other words the franchise should be limited to what the federalist paper called “the best men” white male landowners ( and there is a significant movement in this direction in the present era )…you cannot survive questioning the prime directives of an oligarchy posing as a democracy…wealth and special interest have always been at the heart of congress…during the first congress there was considerable debate over the “impost” ( tariff ) bill that was to serve as a financial basis for the federal government…merchants in congress haggled, debated, and delayed the bill until they could land the cargoes they had at sea to avoid paying the proposed tariff ( it eventually passed ) all the while charging customers higher prices to cover the cost of the proposal…one hand has always washed the other in swamptown…or wherever the capitol has been located ( for a clearer understand of how all this came to be, a three book reading list..the federalist papers[dreary as it may be at times]. An economic interpretation of the constitution of the united states by Charles beard…and William maclay’s journal of the first congress ) roy moore...oligarch wannabe and cracker…will be elected...oh the urban areas will reject him…the rural cracker will not…and he will be seated in the senate because he will do the bidding of his handlers just like the rest of the whores...there is nothing unusual in this…northing unexpected if you pay close attention…it is the way of things and the institutions are buttressed against change…minority rule over the “ interested and overbearing majority” [madison federalist X] was always the intent.