Thursday, March 22, 2018

leaks? nixon called a plumber ( and look where that got him )

from allegations of sexual misconduct to leaks regarding a phone call ( which may or may not have been made...alternative facts...fake news...all very orwellian and we will get back to that soon enough ) congratulating vlad putin on an election result that allowed him to barely squeak out another term ( "it is enough for the people to know there was an election. the people who cast the votes decide nothing. the people who count the votes decide everything" joe stalin ) the trump administration seems to be having some trouble finding a calm center where the master of the "art of the deal" can work his magic...there is a solution to all this that is so obvious it beggars the imagination that it has not been forcefully proposed...well..someone has to bite the bullet so here it is...bring g gordon liddy back from retirement...or from the dead if old hand at plumbing leaks and a venerable fixer from the 1970s he could set things in whoretown straight for the big guy"...he has a sterling track record folks...from a wonderfully choreographed "black bag job" on the office of dr. lewis j. fielding in an effort to discredit daniel ellsberg...which was blundered in keystone kops fashion by his cuban operatives who jimmied open a file cabinet with a crowbar only to find no ellsberg file...they threw pills around the office to make it look like "junkies" had broken in trying to find drugs and then celebrated a "clean" job later with champagne...competence like this is not an everyday occurrence...hard to find a good plumber ( and this was only one example of the good work he did for the president )..woman problems? after liddy left the white house staff for the greener pastures of the committee to re-elect the president ( creep ) his plan called GEMSTONE to disrupt the democratic national convention ( with the cubans taking part again to sabotage the convention center air conditioning and roast the democrats out..a nice touch john mitchell liked but refused to fund ) included a sub-heading titled CRYSTAL which entailed floating a barge off miami to serve as a listening post to electronically surveil the democrats' headquarters and as a bordello staffed with, in liddy's words " the finest girls from baltimore" to entrap democratic delegates and blackmail them...someone with these credentials could make the the president's troubles disappear...such a valuable asset to the administration should not be overlooked...implausible? break out the newspeak dictionary and look up doublespeak and doublethink...they are daily events in whoretown these days...there is no going back...the only way out is through...the time for talk is over.